
Friday, March 1, 2024

About the Origin of the Germans

Traditionally, two areas of origin are attributed to the Germans: southern Scandinavia and Jutland. However, these theories have significant drawbacks. In southern Scandinavia, there is a lack of continuity in archaeological cultures, meaning that the Germans did not develop there but arrived already formed. Moreover, Denmark and Germany were controlled by dominant Celts, and it is unlikely that intolerant Celts would allow for the extensive and prolonged formation of a new superethnicity of Germanic peoples. Additionally, in the general epic and beliefs of the Germans, the sea is not dominant, as it is specifically for the Scandinavians and Frisians, but rather the forest and swamp prevail.

Therefore, the homeland of the Germanic peoples may be the Chernobyl region (Southern Belarus, Northwestern Ukraine), supported by numerous toponyms of corresponding Germanic tribes: Teutons, Franks, Goths, Anglo-Saxons.

Learn more about this and other topics in my book "Ancient History."

The Sarmatians, who succeeded the Scythians, displaced the Germans from the Chernobyl region to Jutland. In their place, a fusion of Sarmatians and remnants of the Germans gave rise to the early Slavs - the Veneti.

Whether the Chernobyl disaster was accidental or a deliberate radiation scorching of the cradle of two civilizations, the Germans and the Slavs, to prevent the formation of a new superethnicity in the future?

Saturday, July 15, 2023

On the cyclicity of warfare

Military history repeats itself, why today's war is similar to World War I, and what the next one will be like.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Serie "Ekonomi i länder" (Swedish edition)

Denna serie om ekonomi i regioner och länder från 1970-talet till 2010-talet.
Författaren beskrev storlek (BNP, BNI, mervärde), struktur (jordbruk, tillverkning etc.), export och import, konsumtion.
Källdata från UN Data.

Serie "Economie in landen" (Dutch edition)

Deze serie over economie in regio's en landen van de jaren 70 tot en met 2010.
Auteur beschreef omvang (bbp, bni, toegevoegde waarde), structuur (landbouw, productie, enz.), Export en import, consumptie.
Brongegevens uit UN Data.

Serie "Economia nei paesi" (Italian edition)

Questa serie sull'economia nelle regioni e nei paesi dagli anni '70 agli anni '10.
L'autore ha descritto dimensioni (PIL, RNL, valore aggiunto), struttura (agricoltura, produzione, ecc.), Esportazioni e importazioni, consumi.

Série "Economia nos países" (Portuguese edition)

Esta série sobre economia em regiões e países das décadas de 1970 a 2010.
O autor descreveu o tamanho (PIB, RNB, valor adicionado), estrutura (agricultura, manufatura, etc.), exportações e importações, consumo.
Fonte de dados de dados da ONU.

Serie "Economía en países" (Spanish edition)

Esta serie sobre economía en regiones y países desde la década de 1970 hasta la de 2010.
El autor describió el tamaño (PIB, RNB, valor agregado), estructura (agricultura, manufactura, etc.), exportaciones e importaciones, consumo.
Fuente de datos de UN Data.